New Adventure


“Great is Thy faithfulness,” the congregation sang. Worshiping at a historic church here in the City, I receive a weekly dose of beauty and hymnody. This morning, as I looked another semester square in the face and was wondering how long I’d be able to retain my mental capacities, I joined in singing these words.

“Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow…”

Anxiety is a crippling demon that drowns out the truth. Shutting out the reality that God is here and able prevents us, his children, from letting the peace of Christ rule richly in our lives (Col 3:15). We have peace that endureth, and we are united with the One who has bestowed pardon for sin.

The thing is, God always comes through. What does that mean? It means that he never fails and always does what is right. This could mean that he chooses not to rescue us from our


Altar Altercations

It was straight from the Enemy.

Right as communion was about to be served, a commotion began in the front of the sanctuary. A man was yelling something, the worship pastor and the ushers formed a net around him and tried to calm him down until a security officer could escort him out. The organist began to play a tune to smooth everything over. I was dumbfounded as the man continued to put up a fight, shouting, “This church sucks!” as he was led quickly down the main aisle.

Right before the most important celebration believers partake in, when our minds were fully focused on the sacrifice of Christ and the goodness of God. The most holy moment during the entire service. Coincidence? I think not.

How often does a dirty wrench get tossed into our lives right in the middle of sweetness and spiritual growth? Sometimes it’s from the Enemy or our

Altar Altercations2019-10-08T02:29:19+00:00


Tomorrow begins another semester.

Strange to think that it’s already been a year and a half since beginning this adventure called Bible college. I’m eager to see what the Lord has in store, but I also have reservations, because hey, it’s always difficult to start fresh. Granted, the roommate, friends, floor, and environment are the same, but there are big changes in the air. New classes, new trials, new news, the world turns and the beat goes on.

Starting can be scary or good, depending on who you are and where you’re at: starting a new marriage, starting chemotherapy, starting to move in, starting to forgive, starting to put away the old boxes of photos and move on, starting to walk in Christ, starting to have a stroke. Starting.

Part of Hebrews (class I’m taking this semester, which I’m pumped about)  12:1 states this: “And let us run with perseverance the race marked
