It’s amazing to see how the Lord works and proves his faithfulness even when I doubt.

I attended a ladies’ prayer night at a church down the street for a class assignment. I was observing local women’s ministries and writing reports for my ministry methodology class. I didn’t expect to be filled and refreshed vibrantly with the Spirit: renewed energy to serve Christ, and deep encouragement from the kind sisters who prayed with me.

Cue the conversation with my roommate. We had been dealing with some eggshells and tensions recently, and I honestly didn’t think it was going to end well. We got coffee, sat down, and the Lord answered my prayer. We were able to restore our relationship through forgiveness and honesty. Open communication is a gift.

Reflecting on Palm Sunday in worship this morning. our pastor talked about the reasons why Jesus had to die: to fulfill prophecy, to make redemption possible, and to show the attributes of God more fully. He said something that has laid quietly in my heart all afternoon: as God’s son, Jesus didn’t have to go through what he did. That is, God could have been lenient on him, making his way easy, and lessened his pain.

But he didn’t.

On Christ was turned the entire cup of God’s wrath, because without such, we couldn’t access the throne of grace. If Christ had not fulfilled the will of the Father, we could not enter behind the curtain. Our hope of eternity would not be the firm anchor that it is (Heb. 6:19). My desire to serve and love Jesus is ever increased by the truth contained in the Word.

As I thank God for refreshing my soul this past weekend, I am looking ahead at a huge bowl of worries, question marks, and futures to contend with. Yet this I know, and must remind myself of: Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, with new mercies every morning (Lam. 3:23). He will take it and form it all into something good.

Something like these past few days. I am humbled for the privilege to see.