Six months of marriage: reflections

The next thing I knew, I had been married for SIX MONTHS WHAT and winter was beginning to melt into Spring slush. Rumor has it that it may hit 65 degrees this Wednesday, I missed picking up my hold from the library, and I’ve cleaned the kitchen four times in the past 24 hours. I’m reading through the Gospels in 30 days (ok more like 75 days at this point RIP), thought I had COVID but ended up sorely disappointed, and have discovered a latent obsession for extreme sour patch kids. I think I’m done with our taxes, hosted brunch this morning, and am savoring sunshine. My Spotify playlist is still a weird mix of stuff that’s mostly circa 2013. I have ups and downs emotionally about the world, my health, and if I’m doing enough for the Lord (spoiler, that’s a bad trap to get into and is a